Homeopathic Medicinal Products Working Group (HMPWG)


European group dedicated to homeopathic medicinal products for human and veterinary use


  • To create a forum for exchange of regulatory and scientific expertise regarding the assessment of the quality, safety and homeopathic use of homeopathic medicinal products for human and veterinary use;
  • To provide guidance on the assessment of homeopathic medicinal products on request from Competent Authorities;
  • To provide guidance for applicants on the registration of homeopathic medicinal products;
  • To establish one common dossier template for applications for the registration (Article 14 of Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended) of homeopathic medicinal products in the EU, in co-operation with the Notice to Applicants Group;
  • To provide advice and expertise on request of the Co-ordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures - Human (CMD(h)) and Co-ordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures - Veterinary (CMD(v)) on procedural, regulatory and scientific issues arising from the mutual recognition and decentralised procedures applicable to homeopathic medicinal products;
  • To facilitate the resolution of procedural, regulatory, and scientific issues arising from variation procedures pertaining to homeopathic medicinal products;
  • To support the drafting of a list of safe dilution grades for homeopathic medicinal products;
  • To address regulatory and scientific issues concerning homeopathic medicinal products on request by the European Commission, the CMD(h), the CMD(v), the Heads of Medicines Agencies and the EDQM;
  • To draft rules of procedure for approval by the Heads of Medicines Agencies;
  • To prepare guidance documents which will be presented to the Heads of Medicines Agencies for publication on their website;
  • To ensure reporting for the Heads of Medicines Agencies.

Rules of Procedure

HMPWG's Rules of Procedure | pdf

Document adopted at HMA meeting in Dublin 30/01/2013, as amended by HMPWG at the 23rd meeting in Utrecht 14-15/04/2016, the 29th meeting in Bucharest 23-24/05/2019, the 34th meeting in Paris 12-13/05/2022 and by written procedure on 15/9/2022.

  • The HMPWG is composed of representatives from the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) and  a veterinarian representative . Representatives of the European Commission (EC) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) are invited to attend all meetings of the HMPWG. Observers from European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM), the EFTA countries and the World Health Organisation (WHO) may also participate.
  • Meeting cycle: 2 meetings/year,  once per EU presidency
  • Chair: Awaiting election

Contact Point:HMPWG-SecretariatnoSpam@noSpamhmanoSpam.eu


Reports from meetings

  • 18 October 2023, Virtual, Vienna (Austria): report | pdf
    Adopted in June 2024
  • 29-30 March 2023, Uppsala (Sweden): report | pdf
    Adopted in October 2023
  • 27-28 October 2022, Rome (Italy): report | pdf
    Adopted in March 2023
  • 12-13 May 2022, Paris (France): report | pdf
    Adopted in October 2022
  • 10 November 2021, Ljubljana (Slovenia): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in January 2022
  • 28 January 2021, Lisbon (Portugal): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in April 2021
  • 01-02 September 2020, Bonn (Germany) report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in October 2020
  • 24-25 October 2019, Bucharest (Romania): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in December 2019
  • 23-24 May 2019, Bucharest (Romania): report | pdf
    Adopted in October 2019
  • 18-19 Oct 2018, Vienna (Austria): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in February 2019
  • 17-18 May 2018, Berlin (Germany): report | pdf
  • 5-6 December 2017, Uppsala (Sweden): report | pdf
  • 26-27 June 2017, Gozo (Malta): report | pdf
  • 10-11 November 2016, Bern (Switzerland): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in January 2017
  • 14-15 April 2016, Utrecht (The Netherlands): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in June 2016
  • 11-12 November 2015, Utrecht (The Netherlands): report | pdf
    Adopted by written procedure in January 2016
  • 28-29 May 2015, Strasbourg (France): report | pdf
  • 4-5 December 2014, Rome (Italy): report | pdf
  • 5-6 June 2014, Paris (France): report | pdf
    Revision to Public Report | pdf
  • 21-22 November 2013, Bonn (Germany): report | pdf
  • 30-31 May 2013, Dublin (Ireland): report | pdf
  • 23 October 2012, Gdansk (Poland): report | pdf
  • 5-6 June 2012, Copenhagen (Denmark): report | pdf
  • 7-8 June 2011, Budapest (Hungary): report | pdf

Other reports

Documents for public consultation

1. Guidance on module 3 of the homeopathic medicinal products dossier_rev.1

Deadline for comments 4 October 2024. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments to HMPWG-SecretariatnoSpam@noSpamhmanoSpam.eu

2. Questions and answers document on the quality of homeopathic medicinal products (Q 14-15) possible contaminants_nitrosamines

Deadline for comments 4 October 2024. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments to HMPWG-SecretariatnoSpam@noSpamhmanoSpam.eu

Templates for public consultations

General Guidance

Regulatory and Legal Issues

Notice to Applicants



Homeopathic Use

First Safe Dilutions


The documents in this section are also valid for veterinary homeopathic medicinal products as far as applicable.

Guidance documents

Questions and answers

Overview of comments

Guidance documents

Overview of comments


Guidance Documents

First safe dilutions

Questions and answers

Overview of Comments/Further Information

Overview of comments

First Safe Dilutions AR